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1.5 Gentoo - Additional Packages

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1.5 Gentoo - Additional Packages


I've put a list here of some additional packages I've tried installing

Layman Overlay

Initial Setup

Next we're going to setup overlays, via layman. It's best to check the git use flag is enabled as a starting point. Next if layman isn't already installed

emerge layman

Syncronise the latest set of available layman sources (this also allows us to add the other overlay later on)

layman -S

Next we need to make sure the overlays are picked up by portage

echo "source /var/lib/layman/make.conf" >> /etc/portage/make.conf

Grbd Github Overlay

To add the custom overlay I've setup

cd /etc/layman/overlays/
layman -a GBD.Rpi2.Gentoo

Quick Command Reference

To get the latest version of any overlays that have been setup (similar to emerge sync)

layman -S

To list available overlays

layman --list

To add a new overlay

layman -a <overlayname>

To remove an overlay

layman -d <overlayname>

Rpi Specific

RPi Userland Tools

Next to install the RPi userland tools

emerge --autounmask-write =media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-0_pre20150325
emerge raspberrypi-userland

RPI VideoCoreIV

There's also a bunch of libs and binary files as part of the firmware package that is usefull. This includes edidparser for parsing edid files, and VideoCoreIV for accelerated graphics / accessing the GPU

emerge --autounmask-write =media-libs/rbpi-videocore-bin-0_pre20150325
emerge =media-libs/rbpi-videocore-bin-0_pre20150325

It's possible to select a different opengl implementation with eselect

eselect opengl list
eselect opengl set

I found that the default xorg implementation needed to be selected in order to get cairo to compile.

TODO the files for VideoCore are installed under /opt/vc/, is there something we need to do for the ebuild to make eselect aware of it's presence?

RPi Monitor

TODO currently getting a 400 bad request error There seems to be problems with the paths in the config file under /etc/ and I think permissions for the web server

emerge rpi-monitor
/etc/init.d/rpimonitor start

Go to:



Text to Speech

Lets try text to speech (make sure oss / alsa use flags are enabled)

emerge flite

Simple test

flite -t "Hello World"

To list available voices

flite -lv

Lets try out a new voice

flite -voice slt -t "Hello World"

TODO are these hts voices?


To run some .Net apps lets install mono

emerge --autounmask-write mono
emerge mono


TODO look into

TODO MonoGame Library / .Net Cross compatibility for a 3D library


Most of the systemd info is already covered here Link
This is just info specific to the rpi setup

with the default linux config for the rpi2 I got a warning about CONFIG_DMIID not being set but so far I've ignored this since it's probably just something related to the arm

Note we don't have to use systemd for the boot init process, it's only required as a depend for Gnome. To use it in place of openrc (the default gentoo init system) we just need to modify the command line parameters passed to the kernel.

TODO list kernel command line parameters / test

Hardware Random Number Generator

The RPi should have a hardware random number generator (also true for rpi2)
First lets install the tools / load the kernel module into memory

emerge --autounmask-write rng-tools
emerge rng-tools
modprobe bcm2708-rng

Next let's alter a config settings

nano -w /etc/conf.d/rngd

RNGD_OPTS="-o /dev/random -r /dev/hwrng"

This initial result should be slow for the random number output

cat /dev/random

Lets restart rngd

/etc/init.d/rngd restart

This should now be a lot faster

cat /dev/random

To add the rngd service to boot

rc-update add rngd boot